Pilates is an exercise method that includes low-impact resistance and muscular strength and flexibility exercises. Pilates emphasizes correct posture alignment, core strength, and muscle balance. Pilates is named after its creator Joseph Pilates, who developed these exercises. Pilates routines generally include exercises that promote core strength and stability, muscle control, and endurance, including exercises that emphasize correct posture and movement patterns, and balance flexibility and strength. It also helps sports training or physical rehabilitation. Pilates is only suitable for serious athletes or professional dancers, which is a common misunderstanding. Although these groups adopted Pilates for the first time, they weren't the only groups that could benefit from this strength training method. Another common misconception is that Pilates requires specialized equipment. Perhaps you have seen a Pilates machine, called a shaper, that looks like a bed frame with a sliding bracket and adjustable springs, or you may have seen a trapeze table. But don't let those machines scare you.
Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet flat on the floor, and your hands on your chest. Inhale through your nose, inhale with your hands and the back of your chest. Exhale, feel your hands sliding toward each other, and your ribs sink to the ground. This exercise is suitable for all levels, but to increase the difficulty, try placing your legs on the table top. Imagine you have an umbrella in your ribs. When you breathe in air, your ribs will expand in all directions. Try to keep your neck, shoulders, and chest relaxed and feel the connection between the back of your ribs and the floor.
Shoulder Bridge Preparation:
Lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet parallel and hip-width apart. Put a pillow, building block or mini ball between your thighs. Inhale ready. Exhale, gently squeeze the mini ball, push your feet to the floor, and then remove your spine from the mat. Tilt your pelvis first, then lift your lower and middle back off the floor until you form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Inhale and maintain your position. Exhale, connect the spine down to the cushion, the purpose is to lengthen the torso.
Leg lifts:
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet parallel and hip-width apart. Inhale to breathe behind your ribs. Exhale and pull your pelvic floor and abdomen up and inward. Imagine gently tightening the belt and lifting one leg toward the table without moving your hips, pelvis, or back. Inhale to maintain the posture. Exhale, lift your second leg and place it on the table, don't pop your abs or arch your back. Breathe and hold this position for 5 seconds. Exhale in a controlled manner and bring your feet back to the ground.